The Public Management Development Program hosted the first Phronetic Leaders Joint Ba at the OD Corpuz Hall in DAP Pasig. This was participated in by high-ranking alumni from PMDP Phronetic Leadership Classes (PLC) Batches 1 to 4.
A “Ba” is a place or field in which people participate, interact, and create new knowledge. People participating in a Ba share their subjective views, build “here and now” relationships of care, trust, and love (social capital), and try to create new meaning.
The event was prompted by a welcome message from DAP President and CEO Atty. Engelbert C. Caronan, Jr. who said that it was a great honor and pride to share the room with some of the bureaucracy’s key leaders. He expressed that the main reason for this activity was to bring them all to create “ba”, as they get to know and socialize with each other and more importantly build networks among themselves as they all await the advent of the new administration. As graduates of the PLC, he expressed confidence that they now possess the competencies of a phronetic or wise leader who knows how to navigate a volatile, complex, and uncertain environment. Lastly, he reminded them that PMDP is counting on them and their collective efforts to continue making the government work efficiently and effectively to deliver the highest level of public goods and services to the people.
The class presidents were invited to introduce their respective classmates who shared valuable lessons they have learned in PMDP. PLC batches 3 and 4 who only had an online observational study visit in Tokyo, Japan due to the pandemic expressed their interest and hopes to go to the Graduate Institute of Policy Studies to meet their mentors, Dr. Hideki Kawada, Professor Ikujiro Nonaka, and other Japanese phronetic leaders just like the two batches before them.

A special video message from Dr. Kawada and Professor Nonaka delighted the attendees. Dr. Kawada stated that it has been an honor and privilege to spend time with them face-to-face and even online. He was glad that the graduates were practicing what they had learned in the Program. He then asked the phronetic leaders to keep creating innovations for the future of the Philippines. Prof. Nonaka said that he was elated by the gathering especially with the new administration coming in. He encouraged them to unleash their country’s potential knowledge for a better future. He was also looking forward to seeing all of them in Japan.
The presiding officer of the NGCESDP Steering Committee and NEDA Undersecretary Jose Miguel De La Rosa delivered a keynote speech to the participants inspiring them to continue learning as he believes in lifelong education; most importantly, to use these learnings to serve the Filipino people better. After his speech, CESB Executive Director and principal Steering Committee member Marcy Ballesteros presented NGCESDP Steering Committee Resolution No. 8 in gratitude for USec. De La Rosa’s devoted service to the Program. Afterward, DAP President Caronan rewarded him with a framed faceless artwork to remember his important work for the PMDP.

A toast to the Philippine Phronetic Leaders was led by DAP Senior Vice President for Programs Magdalena L. Mendoza which concluded the event.