READY TO FLY EVEN HIGHER. The PMDP unclips the wings of 40 high-performing, high-potential middle managers in the bureaucracy during the Opening Ceremony of its twelfth batch last April 25, 2016 at the DAP Conference Center in Tagaytay City.
Welcomed and Inspired
MMC 7-Saluysoy alumna, Ms. Rochelle Ann U. Laconico-Sanpedro of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, was the Inspirational Speaker at the event. “Our batch (MMC 7-Saluysoy) didn’t strive for perfection but rather for excellence. Together, I have witnessed excellence in pure form and humility”, she said.
San Pedro ended her speech with a special message for the late Dr. Cayetano W. Paderanga, then DAP Chairman and one of the highly-respected faculty members of the Program who also played a vital role in reviving the National Government’s Career Service Development Program (NGCESDP) which is now the PMDP. “Your legacy will remain with us. You have shown us excellence and you got us addicted to it. You have been more than a ripple of change; you have been our tidal wave. Until this day and the days to come, your legacy lives on. Mabuhay ang PMDP at ang Pilipinas!”, San Pedro said.
On the other hand, Keynote Speaker Acting Director III Lilian G. Salonga of the Department of Trade and Industry – Consumer Protection and Advocacy Bureau, shared with the new scholars the “ABC elements” of success. These are (1) Anchoring our lives in the Divine Creator who is the author of life to serve as a strong link and source of stability amidst distractions; (2) Being a strong support for each other during and even beyond [the PMDP journey]; and (3) Constantly challenging yourself to be motivated in working in government and have a deep sense of mission to upgrade the life of every Juan and Juana.

“I am so convinced that PMDP has been a very good platform to shape transformative leaders and strategic managers who are competent, integrous and committed to uplift the lives of Filipinos. I also hope that completing this Program will open new horizons and opportunities for all of you to be good public servants for our country”
The Passing on the Tradition of Excellence Continues

More than a tradition, the opening gala was made even more meaningful and interesting through the Passing on the Tradition of Excellence prepared by the welcoming batch, the MMC 11 – Bagwis. Each MMC 12 scholar was given a chance to write down their dreams for themselves and the people they serve, and eventually pin feathers onto the giant wing display symbolizing their commitment to soar higher and achieve those dreams through the PMDP.

THE CHALLENGE. MMC Batch 11 – Bagwis Class President Antonio D. Delgado posed the challenge to the new scholars. “United, you can easily accomplish tasks regardless of complexity. We have proven that already, not only once, not twice… but for several times. I suggest, you do the same by utilizing the various skills and intellects in each of you and be able to synergize so you can smoothly attain your common goal”, he said.

THE RESPONSE. Eager to accept the challenge of the welcoming class, Mr. Ariz Delson Acay D. Cawilan of MMC Batch 12 said, “We whole heartedly accept the challenge of Batch Bagwis. Our batch shall build a strong, cohesive and corroborative team that even an over speeding giant bowling ball could not shatter. We shall keep our thoughts in the program and use every second productively. We shall treat this program as our second spouses and shall cherish and love the same until the end of the program.
Launching of the New PMDP Poster
The new PMDP poster was launched towards the end of the Program. The unveiling of the poster was led by DAP President Antonio D. Kalaw, Jr., SVP Magdalena L. Mendoza and PMDP Director Nanette C. Caparros. The new poster will be distributed by the Program to all its scholars, the government’s national line and attached agencies as part of its efforts to intensify the government’s awareness nationwide about the Program as spearheaded by the PMDP Promotions and Advocacy team.