Dr. Eduardo T. Gonzalez is the Faculty-in-Charge of the Public Policy Analysis Module of the Middle Managers Class and the Evidence-Based Policy Making module of the Senior Executives Class.
Dr. Gonzalez has multiple published literature on Policy development, Public administration, Institutional analysis, Knowledge management, and Quality and productivity assessment. Most of these he presented in vaious conferences around the globe. He also participated in numerous trainings outside of the Philippines including the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Seminar, a study mission to the United Kingdom on the Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility, a seminar on Public Sector Undertakings, among several others.
He finished his undergraduate and post graduate studies from the University of the Philippines, where he earned a BS degree in Geodetic Engineering and a Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning. He furthered his education in the University of Pennsylvania, graduating with an MA and PhD in Public Policy.
He has also been the Senior Editor of the Asian Politics and Policy Journal, and a member of the editorial board of the Asian Politics Camp; Policy, which are journals that tackle public policy in contemporary Asia. Moreover, he also serves as the Alternate Director for the Philippines in the Asian Productivity Organization. His involvement in government is extensive, seeing as he was also involved in the Presidential Task Force and the Philippine Center for Policy Studies.
On top of all these, Dr. Gonzales was also a president of the Development Academy of the Philippines, and is now a member of its Academic Council. He is currently a professorial lecturer in the University of the Philippines Diliman Asian Center, and was also its former Dean.